The government has introduced a new leglislation whereby all wall mounted electric heaters must meet certain requirements if it is to be sold in the UK.
Any heater manufactured after the 1st January 2018 must meet these requirements.
Heating types affected include convector, storage, radiant and underfloor heating.

The actual leglislation states:
“All local space electric heaters manufactured for sale in the EU after 1st January 2018 which use electricity, or liquid fuels, must comply with a minimum efficiency standard. This includes electric radiators, electric under floor heating and electric and gas fires.”
The inefficiency of older heaters has been identified as a leading cause of wasted energy throughout UK households and businesses. Some of these factors include:
Heaters being left on to heat empty spaces at full power with no timer facilitity
Inaccurate thermostats instructing a heater to heat up when your desired temperature has already being reached (some thermostats are inaccurate as 3 degrees)
No control of the amount of heat or power produced such as 2kW heaters that continuously and unnecessarily generate 2kW wasting energy and money
As a result, the Ecodesign Directive requires heaters to meet the following requirements as a minimum standard:
Including but not limited to:
• High accuracy temperature control accurate to within +-0,2°
• Adaptive temperature control and Eco start functionality
• 24/7 programming functions, and integrated real time energy consumption in each radiator
• Smart Open Window Technology (detecting sudden drops in temperature to avoid energy wastage)
• Presence detection (enabling automated programming for temperature control)
Lot 20 Compliance requires heaters to be fitted with these intelligent controls to limit wasted energy. These features will increase efficiency for the user and improve the efficiency of their property. Fifty percent of the energy used within the home is from heat and by improving the standards of electric heating appliances, consumers are better off as energy use and bills can be significantly reduced.
All IntelliHeat heaters provide users with integrated, intelligent electric heating control functions which comply with, and indeed exceed, all the requirements of Lot 20.