Keep your staff and customers comfortable with a modern and well-fitted washroom. From cutting-edge electric hand dryers to incredible-value toilet rolls – we’ve got what you’re looking for at the best online prices.
Air Fresheners
Air Freshener Dispensers
Air Fresheners & Refills
FIG Systems
Hand Dryers
Hair Dryers For Hotels
Official Made in Britain Products
Pro Washroom
Baby changing
Commercial Baby Changing Units
Nappy Bins
Wall Mounted Child Seats
Nappy Bins
Sanitary Bins & Bags
Washroom Wastebins
Toilet Brushes
Toilet Seat Sanitiser
Urinal Mats
Paper Products
Paper Towel Dispensers
Paper Towels
Roller Towel Cabinets
Toilet Roll Dispensers
Toilet Rolls
Roller Towel
Roller Towel Cabinets
Soap Products
Soap Dispensers
Soap Supplies
Urinal Accessories
Toilet Brushes
Toilet Seat Sanitiser
Urinal Blocks
Urinal Control & Cleaning
Urinal Mats
Vending Machines & Refills
What Do You Need in Your Commercial Washroom?
Since HSD was established over 15 years ago, we’ve been committed to selling cutting-edge, effective, and affordable washroom supplies to businesses like yours. Our range of appliances and dispensers is always growing as we continue to bring you hand dryers, soap dispensers, baby changing tables, and more for your commercial bathroom.
Whether you're a customer-facing business or a small office with a handful of staff, you need your toilet facilities to be on the money. Many businesses overlook their washrooms, but you should think of them as an extension of your brand - a peaceful environment that's comfortable for anyone who uses it. Even if your front-of-house area is kept clean and well-maintained, a busted hand dryer or dingy toilet cubicle will leave your customers and staff with an overwhelmingly negative impression of your business. This is especially true in customer-facing businesses like cafes and restaurants where hygiene is of the utmost importance.
Fitting your washroom with all the appliances and supplies that you need doesn't have to be costly, though - by browsing the products above you can revitalise your toilet facilities with ultra-modern and hygienic appliances without breaking the bank. We've got hundreds of premium quality washroom essentials to suit any budget - just browse above to find what you need. Our five-star customer service team is always on hand to provide unbeatable quotes to help your business save money.
Washroom Buyer's Guide
At HSD, we believe in giving you the freedom of choice. There are hundreds of products in our washroom range, so whether you're looking for a toilet roll dispenser, a baby changing table, or a hand dryer, you can find it above. For a bit of advice about what you need, you can check out our buyer's guide below.
Picking the Right Washroom Dispensers for Your Business
All dispensers are available in a range of designs and finishes, and our massive range has something for every budget - it's just a matter of picking the right ones for your business! For example, if you work in a small office with a handful of people, you probably won't need to splash out on a set of heavy-duty, expensive dispensers. On the other hand, if you're a public-facing business - for example, a service station - it's wise to invest in some vandal-proof grade 304 stainless steel dispensers. These offer a little more security to your business, as they're harder to damage, deface, or remove from the wall.
Some appliances are optional depending on the nature of your business, but others are simply essential. We'll walk you through everything every business owner needs to get their toilet facilities up and running.
Soap Dispensers
Arguably the most commonly-used dispenser in any bathroom, a quality soap dispenser should be one of your top priorities. Bars of soap and disposable liquid soap bottles are unhygienic and hard to maintain, and for many public-facing companies, they're simply not practical as they can easily be stolen or misplaced! You want a wall-mounted dispenser that's durable and easy to clean as it's the first thing that people will touch immediately after using the toilet. This means it'll pick up a lot of germs, so you want the surface of the dispenser to be easy to wipe down. Automatic soap dispensers are usually a little easier to maintain as they don't have any buttons or levers, meaning there are fewer crevices for dirt and bacteria to collect in. This means you'll usually only have one smooth surface to wipe down - a soap dispenser with a button or a lever is usually a little harder to clean properly. If there are only a few people in your business, this won't be much of an issue, but if you know your washroom will see a lot of use it's something to consider. Remember that you'll need to keep your soap dispenser stocked with soap at all times - luckily, we offer a range of premier-quality bulk fill soaps at the lowest online prices. You can browse our range of liquid soaps here.
Toilet Roll Dispensers
Toilet roll dispensers are another must-have for your washroom, but they're a feature that many business owners don't really think about too much. However, if you've got an old, shabby toilet roll dispenser that isn't fit for purpose, you'll be creating an overwhelmingly negative impression of your brand. This rings especially true if you're a customer-facing business - think how often groups of customers will chat amongst themselves about the state of your washroom! No matter how nice your front-of-house area is, if your bathroom's toilet roll dispenser doesn't work, your customers will leave your business feeling frustrated. You should pick one that's as large as you can get away with in your toilet cubicles as larger toilet rolls don't need to be replaced quite as often. Don't forget to keep yourself stocked with toilet rolls so your customers are never caught short - you can get the best deals on bulk quantities of all types of toilet paper here.
Paper Towels or Electric Hand Dryers
You're legally required to provide a way to dry hands in your washroom. Almost every business will need to choose one of two options; electric hand dryers or paper towel dispensers. Neither option is objectively 'better' than the other - they're both equally as hygienic and dry hands in roughly the same amount of time - but, depending on what sort of business you run, you might find one suits your requirements a little better. We wrote a detailed blog on the choice between paper towels and electric hand dryers which you can read here, but to quickly sum up your options;
- Paper towels are better for places where low noise is important, such as cafes and care homes.
- They're also better in environments where staff need to constantly clean their hands, such as labs or garages.
- Electric hand dryers are more cost-effective to run and they take up less space. This is because you never have to worry about keeping them stocked with paper towels.
Sanitary Bins
Another legal requirement is that you provide your female staff or customers with a hygienic sanitary waste disposal bin. This is to prevent sanitary products from being disposed of in regular bins or of simply being flushed down the toilet, where they can cause blockages. While most sanitary bins are functionally the same (most are simply pedal operated bins), their appearance does matter. They should always be discreet, so be sure to choose one that fits subtly into your washroom decor. Naturally, larger bins are better for busier washrooms, while smaller bins are perfect if you work in a small office with only a few female staff.
Don't forget that you'll also need some sanitary bin liners and some air freshening granules to put in your bin. This will prevent foul odours from building up in your washroom so it stays a comfortable place for everyone.
Washroom Appliances and Supplies for Customer Facing Businesses
If you work in a customer-facing business - maybe you're a cafe or restaurant owner, or perhaps you manage a service station - you don't just want to meet the minimum standards of washroom hygiene. You'll want to to go above and beyond for your customers to make your washroom a comfortable and safe place to be. Customer-facing toilet facilities should include a few extra features that other businesses might not need, and luckily, they're all available here at the best online prices!
Baby Changing Tables
Every customer-facing business should have at least one baby changing table. Ideally, these should be located in designated baby-changing facilities which are accessible to both men and women. This will really mark you out as a progressive, forward-thinking company and will help you stand out from your competition - in modern times, dads need access to baby changing facilities just as much as mums do! If this isn't possible, you should definitely fit a baby changer in your existing washrooms. As the saying goes, there really is one born every minute, which means there will always be new parents in search of a place to change their babies when they're out and about. If you don't have a baby changing table alongside a nappy bin and some nappy bags, you run the risk of alienating thousands of potential new customers every year. Even worse, you might find that desperate parents change their babies in your washrooms anyway, flushing used nappies down the toilets and causing blockages.
Urinal Mats and Channel Blocks
They're far from the most glamorous products, but channel blocks or urinal mats should be considered essential for any men's room with a urinal. These are both simple yet effective ways to prevent foul odours from building up in your urinals and they keep your whole washroom feeling fresh. Urinal mats are more popular as they look more professional and can reduce splashback, although channel blocks are easier to maintain as they dissolve with use meaning you can visibly see when they need to be replaced.
Air Fresheners
Commercial washrooms shouldn't just look clean, they should feel fresh whenever your customers enter them. Air fresheners are a quick and easy way to help make your customers feel comfortable when they use the bathroom as they prevent overwhelming foul odours from building up. You can choose between aerosol and non-aerosol air fresheners depending on what sort of business you run - which one will work best is down to you.
- Aerosol air fresheners can be programmed to spray a fragrance of your choice at regular intervals. They're popular as they give you complete control over when - and how much - your fragrance is released.
- Non-aerosol air fresheners use a fragranced block or sachet rather than an aerosol spray. If you don't want to use any aerosol products at your business for any reason, these make for a great alternative. Be sure to place them near the washroom doors as the airflow will naturally carry the fragrance around the room.
Get the Best Prices on All Your Washroom Supplies
There's a lot to take in when you're improving your business washroom. Which products do you need? How many of them should you pick up? How often should you replenish your toilet rolls and soap supplies? With over 15 years' experience working with businesses just like yours, we're happy to provide all the answers to get you the best deals. Click the categories above to learn more, or give us a call on 0800 091 3171 for personal advice and bespoke quotes. Don't have time for a phone call? Use the live chat function at the bottom of your screen and we'll take things at your pace.