5L Pro-Kleen Hot Tub & Spa Clarifier

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Product information
Pro-Kleen Hot Tub & Spa Clarifier
Spa water begins looking dull and cloudy due to dead algae, skin cells, dirt and grime particles that are too small to be trapped by a filter system. These tiny particles can make spa water look cloudy and unsightly and will also transform your hot tub into an unhygienic environment.
Pro-Kleen Spa Clarifier is an extremely cost-effective way to add sparkle and clarity to your water. It even helps prolong the life of your filter as it improves its performance and efficiency.
How does the spa clarifier work?
The clarifier contains properties that effectively bind small particles of dirt together so that your filter system can successfully trap them!
How to use Pro-Kleen Hot Tub & Spa Clarifier
Spa water tends to look cloudy with repeated use. Simply add 2 caps of Pro-Kleen Spa Clarifier to your spa water once a week for crystal clear water!
It’s ideal for use with cartridge filter pumps as on most above ground pools and spas.

Customer Questions
How much scale stop have you used?
It contains detergents so its going to get frothy, you could use some antifoam to prevent this but your probably going to need more clarifier, just to bind with anything so the filter will grab it. The clarifier isn’t hazardous it’s a slimy polymer so you can use it without having to worry about overdosing it. The clarifier label says add 2 caps so adding 3 isnt really “overdosing it”.
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